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The Importance of Roof Ventilation

August 14, 2018


Your household won’t be free from issues when it doesn’t have adequate roof ventilation. Neglecting to install proper ventilation for your roof may cause major problems in your household.

By working to have enough ventilation in your roof, you are protecting your property from moisture build-ups and the issues associated with it like mold growth. Mold growth does not look pleasant to the eyes.

Dampness on any part of your home is not a good sign, especially on wood. Wood easily deteriorates when it gets damp more frequently. Dampness in the roof occurs when warm and moist air comes into contact with colder surfaces like in the roof.

Moisture is the culprit to almost every problem lying deep within your household. Roofing materials are better protected when good roof vents are installed. You’ll be saved from high repair costs by having vents.

Find Out the Main Causes of Roof Damages.

Ventilation Improves Air Flow

Another benefit of having sufficient ventilation is that it cuts down energy costs by allowing air to flow. Vents allow the temperature inside and outside to get even.

Before exploring how to ventilate an attic space, the first thing to do is to determine how much ventilation is needed. Vents in the attic are required by most building codes and roofing material manufacturers. Usually, building codes require a ratio of 1:150 ventilation space to attic floor space.

There are numerous options available to provide the right amount of ventilation for your roof and your attic space. Choosing the right vent for your property is of utmost importance. Some of which are the ridge vents, soffit vents, insulation baffles, powered attic fans and gable vents.

If you don’t know where to start then it’s better to consult your roofing contractor for the installation of vents in your property and allow your property to ‘breathe’ fully.

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